Housing assistance policy
National context
The Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996
This places a statutory duty on local authorities to provide assistance to qualifying disabled people for home adaptations. These eligible works must be 'necessary and appropriate' to meet their needs and 'reasonable and practicable' with regard to the age and condition of the property. These are mandatory disabled facilities grants (DFGs).
The Regulatory Reform (Housing Assistance) (England and Wales) Order 2002
This also gave local housing authorities a wide-ranging power to provide assistance to help people acquire, adapt, repair, improve or rebuild living accommodation. Assistance may be subject to terms and conditions including to contribute to or repay some or all of the assistance in certain circumstances. These are discretionary grants.
The Care Act 2014
The act requires local authorities to identify, provide and arrange services, facilities and resources to prevent, delay or reduce the needs of individuals either for care and support. This includes the adaptation of properties.
Housing Act 2004
Under this act, local authorities have a duty to keep housing conditions under review, including having regard to particular hazards that might be dangerous or prejudicial to health for certain vulnerable groups.
The Home Energy Conservation Act 1995
This requires each authority to assess the energy conservation needs for their local area and the policies, strategies and practical measures which will help to make improvements. This includes providing assistance for those residents that are experiencing fuel poverty.
Better Care Fund
Funding for assistance is provided through the Better Care Fund which combines money from health and social care budgets to successfully deliver the integration of health and social care in a way that supports person-centred care and better outcomes for people and carers.