Council plan 2022 to 2026

Corporate performance - Quarter 1, 2022 - 23

Newcastle's Cabinet is committed to maintaining a strong corporate culture of performance management. It will publish performance against the following indicators each quarter. These will be available to the Finance and Performance Scrutiny Committee to discuss and challenge performance.

Performance reporting will be enhanced during 2022-23 to provide more trend data where this is available. For some indicators, where performance is largely beyond our direct control, targets are not set. Instead, the 2021-22 out-turn data is used to provide a baseline against which future performance can be assessed. In the tables below such indicators are marked *.

Priority 1: One Council delivering for local people

Ref  Indicator  Out turn 2021-22  Target 2022-23 
1.1 Percentage of food premises that have a zero or one national food hygiene rating  0.90% 5%
1.2 Percentage of Category A and B food business inspections completed on time  40% 90%
1.3 Number of accidents/incidents reported (RIDDOR)  4 4* 
1.4a  Percentage of household collections from the kerbside comprising dry recycling  24% 25%
1.4b  Percentage of household participation in food waste collection  N/a 30%
1.4c  Amount of residual waste per household per annum  440kg  440kg 
1.4d  Number of missed kerbside collections (per 100,000 collections)  59 60
1.5 Levels of street and environment cleanliness (LEQ survey) free/predominantly free of:





1.6 Percentage of requests resolved at first point of contact  97% 97%
1.7 Percentage of unmet demand (number of calls not answered as a percentage of total  16% 20%
1.8 Total number of digital online transactions per annum  55,278 63,000
1.9 Total number of unique users to the website per quarter  95,197 95,000

Priority 2: a successful and sustainable growing borough

Ref  Indicator  Out turn 2021-22  Target 2022-23 
2.1 Percentage of investment portfolio vacant (council-owned) 10% 12%
2.2 Speed of major development applications (P151a) 99% 66%
2.3 Quality of major development applications (P152a) 5.50% 10%
2.4 Speed of non-major development applications (P153) 99% 70%
2.5 Quality of non-major development applications (P154) 0.70% 10%
2.6 Percentage of complainants informed within the required timescales of any action to be taken about alleged breaches of planning control N/a 75%

Priority 3: healthy, active and safe communities

Ref  Indicator  Out turn 2021-22  Target 2022-23 
3.1a  Anti-social behaviour (ASB) cases - new cases received during the quarter 147 av/qtr 147*
3.1b  Current open cases at the end of the quarter 36 av/qtr 36*
3.1c  Cases closed in the quarter 120 av/qtr 120*
3.2 Number of referrals made regarding vulnerability by participating organisations at the Daily Hub 65 av/qtr 65* 65 av/qtr 65*
3.3 (new) Number of peopleaccessing the museum's collections online and in person 162,000 180,000 162,000 180,000
3.4 Jubilee 2 membership 2392 2900
3.5 Jubilee 2 customer satisfaction - net promotor score N/a 40%
3.6 Live application on the housing register 1245 1245*
3.7 Number of lets to registered providers from the housing waiting list 513 513*
3.8 Emergency homeless presentations 419 419*

Priority 4: town centres for all

Ref  Indicator  Out turn 2021-22  Target 2022-23 
4.1 Car parking usage: number of tickets purchased 337,078 340,000
4.2 Town centre footfall - Newcastle 553,000 553,000*
4.3 Average stall occupancy rate for markets 56% 60%
4.4 Total rough sleepers verified in the quarter
- New rough sleepers
- Returning rough sleepers
- Entrenched rough sleepers

