Council plan 2022 to 2026
Priority one: One Council delivering for local people
We will closely manage all of its resources to ensure we deliver the services that local people need, and to prepare for future challenges. Our One Council Programme ensures efficient and effective service delivery and makes it much easier for the public to access services and information online, 24 hours a day. The programme makes use of multi-skilled teams to address challenges faced by our residents and communities.
Over the past four years the council has:
- introduced a new recycling service as part of an ongoing drive to improve recycling rates in the borough
- secured the future of the historic Guildhall as a community resource and voluntary sector hub, encouraging people to keep using our town centre
- launched the One Council programme, saving £1m per year and giving residents better access to services
- moved the planning service fully online, improving efficiency for those making and reviewing planning applications
- delivered award-winning services, including winner of the APSE 'Most Improved Performer' for Cemetery and Cremation Services, and shortlisting by APSE for Street Cleaning Services
- brought partners and communities together to meet the challenges of COVID-19, creating a working foundation for more collaboration in the future
- created a Cost of Living reserve fund to help us meet the challenges of rising costs
Achieving our priorities
To achieve this priority we are committed to:
- delivering the One Council programme to ensure our services are efficient and accessible. We will:
- improve digital access
- simplify how we work
- improve performance management
- improve customer satisfaction
- improve digital access
- delivering a workforce strategy, developing professional talent across the council and providing opportunities for staff to grow their careers
- ensuring strong financial discipline across the council, identifying and delivering opportunities generate income from commercial development
- working with our communities to ensure services reflect local need
- working with partners, including Staffordshire County Council, Staffordshire Leaders Board, Newcastle Business Improvement District (BID), Keele University, Aspire Housing and the Newcastle Partnership, to deliver the best for our communitiesdelivering our services to a high standard every day
- continuing to keep Council Tax low for the borough's residents