Council plan 2022 to 2026
Priority three: healthy, active, and safe communities
We want our communities to be healthy, happy and active and able to enjoy living in a safe environment.
The council provides an outstanding suite of facilities so that residents and visitors alike can enjoy an active and fulfilling experience in the borough: six Green Flag parks, Jubilee2 and the successful Britain in Bloom programme - which involves residents, businesses, schools, community groups and a wide range of volunteers. Plus, we have Brampton Museum, the 'jewel in the crown', providing free access to our rich heritage, history and identity.
Over the last four years we have:
- delivered the refurbishment and reopening of Kidsgrove Sports Centre. The centre has been transferred to a local trust and is now once again serving the community
- delivered a new BMX Pump Track and new 3G football pitches in Kidsgrove for community use
- delivered improvements to Jubilee2, including renewal of all gym equipment and addressing legacy issues concerning build quality, ready to support more residents in achieving their fitness goals
- secured our nineteenth consecutive Gold Award in the RHS Heart of England Britain in Bloom competition
- supported our communities and our businesses through the COVID-19 pandemic, rapidly getting the borough 'back on track'
- used the multi-agency Daily Vulnerability Hub to address the complex needs of the borough’s most vulnerable citizens
- extended and refurbished the Brampton Museum to provide enhanced gallery space and improve our offer to local schools
Achieving our priorities
To achieve this priority we are committed to:
- securing a step-change in street cleanliness and the quality of the public domain through the expansion of the street warden scheme and the creation of neighbourhood delivery teams
- protecting our parks and open spaces for future generations as part of our plans for net zero carbon
- further increasing recycling rates across the borough with a particular focus on food waste
- through the Newcastle Partnership ensuring that our most vulnerable residents are supported through the impact of the rising cost of living
- building on our work with Staffordshire Police and other partners to reduce anti-social behaviour and crime in our communities
- working with partners to support the development of community solutions to local problems through effective community bodies
- delivering an economic and cultural legacy from the celebration of the borough's 850th anniversary in 2023