Council plan 2022 to 2026
Priority four: town centres for all
We are working to make the town centres in Newcastle and Kidsgrove vibrant and successful. We want to ensure that they have the diverse offer and vibrant environment necessary to attract visitors and businesses. Town centres across the country are under pressure from retail parks, online shopping and the impact of COVID-19 on footfall. The council continues to focus on addressing these challenges.
Over the past four years the council has:
- secured a £16m Town Deal for Kidsgrove to enable key town centre developments
- secured £11m from the Future High Streets Fund for Newcastle to enable the redevelopment of the Ryecroft site and other town centre improvements
- cleared the Ryecroft site and purchased York Place to facilitate regeneration
- established a town centre strategy for Newcastle and delivered:
- a Town Centre Officer - to coordinate cross agency work to support traders
- a refocused historic market hosting diverse, award-winning events to increase visitor numbers
- a parking strategy that supports business growth
- improved CCTV coverage for Newcastle, with the Newcastle Business Improvement District
- targeted support for ‘rough sitters’ in the town centre with our marshalls and Staffordshire Police colleagues
- a Town Centre Officer - to coordinate cross agency work to support traders
- used Advanced Town Deal funding to develop Grosvenor Roundabout as a safe and attractive active travel route
Achieving our priorities
To achieve this priority we are committed to:
- continuing to work with key partners to deliver the redevelopment of opportunities across the borough
- increasing the number of people living, working and using Newcastle town centre, and to use and enhance its historic architecture as a backdrop for excellent and inviting public spaces
- redevelopment of Ryecroft Site:
- high quality offices
- residential development
- multi-story car park
- hotel or commercial space
- public open space
- high quality offices
- redevelopment of York Place:
- restaurants and eateries
- commercial space
- plaza linking Ironmarket and Ryecroft
- restaurants and eateries
- redeveloping Midway car park to provide aspirational town centre residential accommodation
- further enhance the historic market and public realm and boost our signature specialist market programme
- delivering the Town Deal programme for Kidsgrove, including:
- enhancing Kidsgrove Railway Station and access to the local canal network
- developing a Shared Service Hub with key partners
- enhancing Kidsgrove Railway Station and access to the local canal network
- developing a town centre strategy for Kidsgrove to encourage visitors and support local businesses