Council plan 2022 to 2026
Newcastle-under-Lyme facts and figures
- The borough has a population of 123,000
- 21.7% of residents are aged 65 plus (26,700)
- 15.2% of residents are aged 15 or under (18,800)
- 28.5% of residents are young people under 24 (35,100)
- 42.3% of residents are aged 50 plus (52,200)
The source for all the above is 2021 Census.
- 79.9% of residents of working age are in employment (66,200)
- 63.1% of residents are of working age, aged 16-64 (51,600)
- 6.1% of working age popultion are out of work due to ill health (approximately 5,000)
- 35.7% of adults have NVQ4+ qualifications
Life expectancy at birth
- Males - 78.5 years
- Females - 82.3 years
The source for the data on employment and life expectancy, is NOMIS August 2022