Making a representation to a premises licence application
Considerations when making representations
Bear in mind the following:
- if no relevant representations are made, the licence or variation must be granted (subject to the mandatory conditions)
- it may be helpful to get the backing of other people, businesses, or other 'responsible authorities', such as the police or environmental health
- look at your licensing authority’s official records about the premises, kept in their 'licensing register'. This will show you if other people have made representations, or asked for a review of the premises in the past
- if you are thinking of raising a petition, it is important to ensure that the licensing authority can determine that none of the signatories are being vexatious. So, including their addresses and indicating clearly what representation(s) they are all making would be helpful. It would also help if a spokesperson could volunteer to receive details about the hearings etc. from the licensing authority and may be willing to speak on behalf of the petitioners at the hearing
- if you want to ask another person, such as an MP or local Councillor to represent you, it is advisable to make such a request in writing so that the individual can demonstrate he or she was asked. It will be a matter for the MP or Councillor to decide whether they should agree to your request. They are not obliged to do so, however, most elected representatives are happy to help residents with this sort of issue, and there is no requirement for them to live in the vicinity of the premises in question for them to be able to make representations on behalf of residents that do. Councillors who are part of the licensing committee hearing the application will not be able to enter into discussions with you about the application, outside of the formal hearing, so it is suggested that you do not approach them to try to
- consider how you would like the situation to be rectified