Local plan evidence base

The local plan evidence base is comprised of reports, assessments and studies covering topic areas relevant to planning and development of the borough. The information is used to inform and guide the preparation of planning policy and proposals in the local plan.

A number of documents are emerging and are anticipated to be published in the upcoming days to support a council meeting on the 24 July 2024.

Reference Document title Link to document
ED001 Housing and Economic Needs Assessment (2024) Download ED001 
ED001a Housing and Economic Needs Assessment (2023) Download ED001a
ED001b Housing and Economic Needs Assessment (2020) Download ED001b
ED002 Strategic Employment Sites Assessment (2024) Download ED002
ED002a Strategic Employment Sites Assessment (2023) Download ED002a
ED003 Infrastructure Delivery Plan Download ED003
ED004 Viability Assessment Download ED004
ED005 Rural Topic Paper Download ED005
ED006 Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment methodology (2022) Download ED006
ED006a Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment 2024 Download ED006a
ED006b B) Site Assessments Download ED006b
ED007 Settlement Boundary Review Download ED007
ED008 Green Belt Assessment (Part 4) Download ED008
ED008a Green Belt Assessment (Part 3) Download ED008a
ED008b Green Belt Assessment (Part 2) Download ED008b
ED008c Green Belt Assessment (Part 1) Download ED008c
ED008d Safeguarded Land Assessment Download ED008d
ED009 Green Belt Village Study Download ED009
ED010 Retail and Leisure Study Download ED010
ED010a Retail and Leisure Study Appendices Download ED010a
ED011 Strategic Transport Assessment Download ED011
ED012 Playing Pitch Strategy (2020) Download ED012
ED012a a) PPS Stage E Update Download ED012a
ED013 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Download ED013
ED014 Water Cycle Study Download ED014
ED015 Heritage Topic Paper Download ED015
ED016 Local Plan Site - Heritage Impact Assessments Download ED016
ED017 Landscape Character Study Download ED017
ED018 Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment Download ED018
ED019 Gypsy and Traveller Site Selection Report Download ED019
ED020 Nature Recovery Network Mapping Report Download ED020
ED021 Newcastle-under-Lyme and Kidsgrove Urban Capacity and Town Regeneration Study Download ED021
ED022 Open Space and Green Infrastructure Strategy Download ED022
ED023 Landscape and Setlement Character Assessment Study (Part 1) Download ED023
ED023a Landscape and Setlement Character Assessment Study (Part 2) Download ED023a
ED024 Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Report Download ED024
ED025 Duty-to-Co-operate Statement of Compliance Download ED025
ED026 Nationally Described Space Standards Topic Paper Download ED026
ED029 Site Selection Report and Assessments Download ED029
ED030 Infrastructure baseline report Download ED030
ED031 Plan Strategy Housing Topic Paper Download ED031
ED032 Plan Strategy Employment Topic Paper Download ED032
ED033 Housing Supply and Delivery Position Statement Download ED033
ED034 NUL Issues and Strategic Options Paper Download ED034
ED035 Health Impact Assessment Download ED035