Licensing of sex establishments

Relevant locality

We have determined that it is appropriate to consider the Borough of Newcastle-under-Lyme as the relevant locality.

We are of the view that it is not appropriate to have a sex establishment situated within inappropriate proximity to:

  • purely or primarily residential accommodation
  • schools, play areas, nurseries, children’s centres or similar premises
  • places of worship
  • community facilities or public buildings including, but not limited to, swimming pools, leisure centres, public parks, youth centres/clubs, and sheltered housing
  • historic buildings or tourist attractions.

We are of the view that it may be appropriate to grant a licence in a commercial area where there are no residential premises, such as on a business park.

In considering all applications for the grant of new licences, we will take into account paragraphs the above and the potential impact of the licensed activity on:

  • crime and disorder
  • public nuisance
  • public safety
  • protecting children from harm