Licensing of sex establishments
Standard conditions
These are:
- the sex establishment shall be closed throughout Good Friday, Christmas Day and every Sunday
- a copy of the sex establishment licence and the conditions made by the authority must be kept exhibited in the public area of the sex establishment
- no person under the age of 18 years is to enter the sex establishment
- all customers appearing to be under the age of 21 to be required to provide proof of their age before being allowed access to the sex establishment
- no person under the age of 18 years is to be employed in the business of the sex establishment
- at all entrances there shall be prominently displayed (so as to be visible at all times to persons approaching the sex establishment) a notice prohibiting entry to all persons under 18 years of age
- the licensee of the sex establishment shall ensure that all persons employed by the sex establishment are aware of the age restriction on customers and that they exclude or remove from the sex establishment any person attempting to evade the restriction
- the licensee shall not display outside, near to, or within the sex establishment any advertising material, sign or pictorial display referring to the licensed sex establishment or the goods, articles or services provided by the sex establishment, in such a position or manner that it is visible to any person using adjacent highways, streets, footpaths or forecourts except any notice displaying the name or trading title of the licensee, any notice indicating the times of opening of the premise or required by statute, regulation or bylaw applicable to the sex establishment or business carried thereon
- the sex establishment shall be so arranged by screening or obscuring windows, doors and other openings so that the interior of the licensed sex establishment and the displays of articles sold at the sex establishment shall not be visible at any time to persons outside the building. The external doors shall be fitted with automatic closing devices
- a police officer or an authorised officer of the council or the police may at any reasonable time enter and inspect the sex establishment in respect of which a sex establishment licence is in force or an application for the grant of a new licence has been served
- all refuse produced by the sex establishment and materials, goods and articles discarded for any reason shall be securely stored within the sex establishment and delivered in closed containers to the refuse collection service
- the licensee shall make such provision for the reception of goods and articles for sale, hire, exchange, loan, demonstration or display on the sex establishment so that they are received directly into the sex establishment or packaged such that they are not identifiable
- the licensee or some responsible person nominated by him/her in writing for the purpose and approved by us shall be in charge of and upon the licensed sex establishment during the whole time they are open to the public. Such written nominations shall be continuously available for inspection by authorised officers of the council or the police
- no part of the sex establishment shall be used for the purposes of prostitution
- the licensee shall ensure that no employee or other person shall seek to obtain custom for the sex establishment by means of personal solicitation or marketing material identifying the sex establishment
- a record shall be kept of all mail order transactions (if any) in such form as agreed by us
- a CCTV system shall be installed in the sex establishment to the satisfaction of the Police Architectural Liaison Officer or in their absence the Police Licensing Officer. The system shall efficiently record the operation of the sex establishment and automatically indicate the time and date of events recorded to a standard that would be acceptable as evidence in court. All recordings shall be securely maintained for a minimum of 28 days and shall be made available at the sex establishment for inspection within 24 hours by a police officer or an authorised officer of the council or the police