Anti-social behaviour policy and procedure

Monitoring and review of the policy

The aims and objectives of this policy will be monitored by quarterly quality reviews to ensure that the procedure for case management is being followed appropriately and that records are suitably detailed and accurate.

This policy will be reviewed every 3 years to ensure that any changes in legislation or best practice are included and updated. We will consult with staff, internal and external partners in the review.

We will maintain procedural documents for the use of ASB enforcement powers and this will be subject to scrutiny and monitoring by the Economy, Environment and Place and/or the Health, Wellbeing and Partnerships Scrutiny Committees.

Under our scheme of delegation, the Chief Executive and Head of Environmental Health Services will also have a number of enforcement powers, particularly in relation to public spaces protection orders and prosecution proceedings for breaches of anti-social behaviour powers.

Any changes to this policy will be subject to approval by the portfolio holder for Community Safety and Wellbeing.