A-Z of recycling
Cables - household waste recycling centres or visit www.recycleyourelectricals.org.uk for more information
Car batteries - household waste recycling centres only
Card - blue bag
Cardboard - blue bag
Carrier bags - grey bin (most supermarkets)
Cartons / tetra Pak - grey bin
Catalogues - blue bag
Ceramics - grey bin
Cereal boxes - blue bag
Christmas decorations - grey bin
Cling film - grey bin
Clinical waste - back to GP/hospital/healthcare provider
Clothing and footwear - household waste recycling centres or grey bin
Coat hangers - grey bin
Coffee pods/capsules - blue bin
Contact lenses - grey bin
Crutches - household waste recycling centres - medical equipment recycling where they will be reused/recycled by Grace Cares
Cooking oil - household waste recycling centres only
Cotton buds - grey bin
Cotton wool - grey bin
Crisp packets - grey bin (most supermarkets)
Crockery - grey bin
Cushions - grey bin
Cutlery - grey bin