Recycling, household rubbish and garden waste subscription collection policies
Assisted collection
We may be able to help if you, and all other residents of the property, struggle to put your containers out for collection, and where there is no one able-bodied under the age of 16. Your household may qualify for an ‘assisted collection’, and you can contact us to see if you are eligible. We will ask you for some medical information, and the decision to set up each assisted collection will be made by an officer. The assisted collection can be set up for 6 months (for example during recovery from surgery) or be permanent.
The criteria for assisted collection eligibility are based on the rules of the ‘Blue Badge’ scheme for parking and must apply to every resident at the property over the age of 16. The criteria used for the ‘Blue Badge’ scheme requires applicants to meet one of the points below:
registration as totally blind under the National Assistance Act 1948. This does not apply to partially sighted registration
receipt of Mobility Allowance or the higher rate of the mobility component of the Disability Allowance
receipt of a War Pensions Mobility Supplement
you have severe disability in both upper limbs, regularly drive, but cannot turn the steering wheel by hand, even if the wheel is fitted with a steering knob
you have a permanent substantial disability that means you are unable to walk or have very considerable difficulty walking. People with a psychological disorder will not normally qualify unless their impairment causes very considerable difficulty in walking
Where a householder does not meet the ‘Blue Badge’ criteria the assisted collection service may still be set up, particularly where the features of the property (such as a very steep drive) magnify the effect of ill-health or disability. The council reserves the right to ask for medical evidence, not original documents, if deemed appropriate.
We recognise that some residents needing assistance may live in properties accessed over a private/unadopted lane, drive or shared access. The council is committed to providing good services to residents and will always find a bespoke solution which works for the residents and is operationally viable for the collection service. It may be that in such a situation we may only be able to offer a collection of household rubbish.
We will review the provision of your assisted collection from time to time by letter. If you do not reply to our letters your assisted collection will cease. If circumstances change in your household, then you must advise us as soon as possible.